Jubilee Point Park Phase II
Bidding Closed
Bid Date | 12/11/24 10:00am |
Company & Contacts
Woodridge, Illinois 60517
The Woodridge Park District will receive sealed Bids in an opaque envelope marked on
the outside with the official name of the project for Jubilee Point Park, Phase II –
Development Project, CDP #24-04c, at the Administrative Office of the Woodridge Park
District, 2600 Center Drive, Woodridge, Illinois, until Thursday, December 5, 2024, at 10:00
a.m., local time, at which time and place all Bids will be publicly opened and read aloud.
The proposed work consists of furnishing all necessary labor, materials, and equipment for site
preparation, construction fencing, temporary soil erosion sediment control measures, site
removals and clearing, earthwork, excavation and grading, stormwater utilities, electrical service
utilities and lighting, water service utilities and hose bibs, asphalt paving (pedestrian and
vehicular), concrete paving (pedestrian and vehicular), concrete curb and gutter, playground with
pour-in-place rubber surfacing, concrete playground curbing, cast-in-place concrete foundations
and footings, installation of an open-air shelter with stone masonry column wraps, seatwall
masonry, wood fence enclosure for portable restrooms, ornamental wood fencing for garden plot
area, boardwalk with concrete abutments, outdoor ping pong tables, bag toss boards, MUSA
futsal court, pickleball courts with chain link fencing and swing gates, sport court paving and
striping, furnishing and planting of specified trees, shrubs, low plant material, native seed
mixture, and turf seed and blanket as specified and in compliance with all applicable laws and
codes at Jubilee Point Park located at 7101 Woodridge Dr., Woodridge, Illinois.
The contract documents including the Instructions to Bidders and plans and specifications and
the Bid Package is on file beginning November 7th, 2024, and may be examined at the
Administration Office of the Woodridge Park District, 2600 Center Drive, Woodridge, Illinois.
Project manuals, including bid form and specifications, and construction documents are available
after 10:00 AM on November 7, 2024 from the Accurate Reprographics 2368 Corporate Lane,
Suite 100, Naperville, Illinois 60563 at phone: 630.428.4433, website:
www.hitchcockplanroom.com. Bidding documents are free to download and available at the
non-refundable cost of reproduction to print.
Questions should be directed in writing to Doug Fair (dfair@hitchcockdesigngroup.com) or
Christian Sanford (csanford@hitchcockdesigngroup.com) of Hitchcock Design Group at
630.961.1787. Information (other than in the form of a written Addendum issued by the Park
District) from any officer, agent, or employee of the Park District or any other person shall not
affect the risks or obligations assumed by the Bidder or relieve him from fulfilling any of the
conditions and obligations set forth in the bid and/or other contract documents.
All Contracts for the Construction of Public Works are subject to the Illinois Prevailing Wage
Act (820 ILCS 130/1-12). This project is being financed, in part, with funds from the Illinois
Department of Natural Resources, “Open Space Land Acquisition & Development” (OSLAD)
grant program. Work must comply with grant requirements.